• Co-sponsored legislation to create a stand-alone Housing Department that will more clearly center affordable housing as a top policy priority

    • Supported the $50M bond to invest in affordable housing via the Housing Trust Fund

    • Worked with the Westside neighborhood to write and pass the “Westside 353 Plan” to address skyrocketing property taxes and keep families in their homes. More than 130 households have already enrolled!

    • Supported the effort to provide tenants more protections against evictions and dangerous living conditions by passing the Tenant Bill of Rights

    • Supported the passage of our Right to Counsel program that provides free legal assistance to individuals and families facing eviction

    • Served on the Houseless Task Force and worked to create a pass Zero KC, the strategic plan to end houslessness in Kansas City

Attending a public information session as a Houseless Taskforce member to get feedback on the Zero KC, Kansas City’s strategic plan to end homelessness

Celebrating the passage of Resolution 220902, allocating $50m of general obligation bond proceeds to the Housing Trust Fund to ensure access to truly affordable housing